DataTreasury Corporation has licensed its products and intellectual property to companies such as NetDeposit, Bank Hapoalim, Goldleaf Financial Solutions (limited license with restrictions), Merrill Lynch, and Diebold, which are companies that properly respect and appropriately value and understand the importance of intellectual property (IP.) Unfortunately over the past several years, DataTreasury has been left with no alternative but litigation with corporations that have repeatedly chosen to ignore or simply refuse to seek a lawful license of DataTreasury's IP. After five plus arduous years of rigorous litigation supported by the law firm of Nix, Patterson and Roach,LLP, DataTreasury has successfully attained settlements and licensing of DataTreasury's IP with JP Morgan Chase, Bank One, Ingenico, and RDM.
Prior to these settlements with these multiple defendants, hundreds of thousands of pages of prior art were submitted to the Court in an attempt to invalidate theses patents--but to no avail. Defendants JP Morgan Chase, Bank One and Ingenico entered Consent Judgments before the Court stating the patents were validly issued and enforceable.
DataTreasury's intellectual property continues to be tested in the courts and challenged at the Patent Office by defendants with vast legal budgets and unfettered access to the world's largest law firms and the most powerful lobbying groups. The following pages chronicle the history of DataTreasury, the aforementioned litigation and the resulting settlement timelines during which DataTreasury successfully protected its most valuable assets.
We share our story not only for your protection and as testament to our dedication to superior technical innovation, but to request respect for all proud, pioneering inventors and artists, large and small.
March 11, 2008 |
Judge's official orders granting motions to lift stays.
Order Granting Motion to Lift Stay-Deny Mt to Stay Pending Outcome - Doc. #168.
Order Granting Motion to Lift Stay - Doc. #115
Order Granting Motion to Lift Stay - Doc. #118
Order Granting Motion to Lift Stay - Doc. #124
Order Granting Motion to Lift Stay - Doc. #843
February 15, 2008 |
CBO Scoring - S.1145
February 04, 2008 |
Dept of Commerce weighs in on Sessions' language.
January 24, 2008 |
Minority View on S. 1145 - pages of interest are 74-77.
2008.01.24 - S.1145 - Senate Report with Minority Views
January 15, 2008 |
Datatreasury files a motion to lift stay.
December 25, 2007 |
Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate for patent 6,032,137
October 23, 2007 |
Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate for patent 5,910,988
October 10, 2007 |
'759 Re-Exam Denied by USPTO
September 13, 2007 |
DataTreasury sues Canadian banks
September 11, 2007 |
S 1145: Patent Reform Act of 2007 is read for a second time and placed on the Senate calendar
September 4, 2007 |
HR 1908: Patent Reform Act of 2007 is passed by the House
August 29, 2007 |
Notice of Intent to Issue
Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate for 6,032,137
August 17, 2007 |
USPTO terminates re-exam of DTC '
988 patent
- sent to Publications for Issue of Certificate
August 14, 2007 |
Canadian banks sue DataTreasury over check clearing
August 3, 2007 |
Letter from 65 Congressmen regarding H.R. 1908
July 23, 2007 |
Notice of Intent to Issue
Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate for 5,910,988
July 19, 2007 |
Senate Judiciary Committee Markup of S.1145 More...
Amendment is added to Patent Reform Bill 2007 More...
July 10, 2007 |
Patent Office Validates DataTreasury Image Exchange Patent
May 31, 2007 |
Notice of Acceptance of Re-exam for Patent 5,583,759
May 15, 2007 |
USPTO office takes action on
re-exam for DTC patent #6032137
May 2007 |
International Grant/Registration #ZL98810515.2 issued in China
April 18, 2007 |
Rep. Howard Berman (d- CA) introduces bill HR 1908: Patent Reform Act of 2007 to the House floor
February 7, 2007 |
DataTreasury Scores Victory before US Court of Appeal for the Federal Circuit
January 23, 2007 |
"Diebold Licenses DataTreasury's Financial Transaction Patents"
December 16, 2006 |
Request for Reexamination under 35 U.S.C § 302 |
October 25, 2006 |
Order Granting Motion to Stay as to the Huntington Patents
October 10, 2006 |
Motion to Stay Litigation as to the '988 and '137 Patents
More... |
August 14, 2006 |
DataTreasury announces Merrill Lynch acquired a license to utilize six of DataTreasury's financial transaction patents on a worldwide basis. More...
February 27, 2006 |
William Randle Joins DataTreasury
January 23, 2006 |
NCR Settles Patent-Infringement Lawsuit with DataTreasury
January 2006 |
International Grant/Registration #2301793 issued in Canada
November 25, 2005 |
First Data Corporation petitions the United States Patent Office for a Re-Exam of Data Treasury's patent 5,910,988.
Notice of Re-Exam of 988
Notice of Re-Exam of 137
Request for Ex Parte Re-Exam for '759
November 07, 2005 |
Ingenico is granted a license by DataTreasury allowing the company to utilize the patents on a worldwide basis
Ingenico Consent Judgment
November 2005 |
International Grant/Registration #1-1998-02223 issued in the Philippines
October 20, 2005 |
Community Banking Systems announced that it has purchased a license to utilize technology patented by DataTreasury Corporation.
October 13, 2005 |
“Defendants Fail in Attempts to Change Venue” of DataTreasury's Patent Litigation.
July 06, 2005 |
"DataTreasury Corporation Files Lawsuits Against Bank of America, Citigroup, Wachovia and Wells Fargo; Suits Alleged Infringement of Patented Check-Processing Technology."
In a consent judgment filed 7/01/2005, JPMorgan Chase admitted that it had infringed on DataTreasury's technology, and agreed that the patents are both "valid" and "enforceable."
JPMorgan Chase Consent Judgment
Worldwide News Release JPMC Settlement |
June 28, 2005 |
Consent Judgment is filed for Bank One
June 15, 2005 |
“Netdeposit obtains license for Technology Patents”
March 07, 2005 |
“DataTreasury Wins Crucial Phase of High-Dollar ’Check 21’ Case; Judge Again Rules Firmly Against Defendants Accused of Patent Infringement”
February 22, 2005 |
SVPCO Check Services announces the launch of
SVPCO National Check Exchange, a new national check clearing service. More...
December 15, 2004 |
American Banker Releases Article: “Vendor Files Check Image Patent Suits Against Banks”
December 14, 2004 |
Wall Street Journal article discusses Data Treasury v. JP Morgan Chase case
August 2004 |
International Grant/Registration #221995 issued in Mexico
July 2004 |
International Grant/Registration #71339 issued in Singapore
June 2004 |
International Grant/Registration #2231117 issued in the Russian Federation
October 28, 2003 |
DataTreasury Corporation Applauds Signing of Check 21 Act.
Congress introduces the Check 21 Act More...
August 2003 |
International Grant/Registration #MY-115763-A issued in Malaysia
July 2003 |
International Grant/Registration #503049 issued in New Zealand
International Grant/Registration #168876 issued in Australia |
June 04, 2003 |
RDM Settles with DataTreasury
June 03, 2003 |
"ACS Agrees to Injunction in DataTreasury Case”
June 05, 2002 |
Data Treasury files suit against JP Morgan Chase More...
January 24, 2002 |
“DataTreasury Inks Pact With Bank Hapoalim”
September 2001 |
International Grant/Registration #NI-132479 issued in Taiwan
May 01, 2001 |
Wells Fargo CEO, Richard Kovacevich, admits he steals ideas. More...
November 02, 2000 |
Bank of America, IBM, Chase Manhattan to Offer Checks Archive
February 29, 2000 |
USPTO issues Patent #6,032,137
June 08, 1999 |
USPTO issues Patent #5,910,988
September 1998 |
International Grant/Registration #21930 issued in Egypt
August 1998 |
International Grant/Registration #136498 issued in Pakistan
1994 |
Claudio Ballard, founder of DataTreasury, conceives Remote Image Capture with Centralized Processing and Storage Patent